Automated Email Updates Are Back

You may have noticed that the AHS website has not been generating its usual “News Update” email. While the process may seem simple, there is actually a fair amount of code and automation that happens behind the scene to compile those messages and send them out. The backend needed some TLC, which has been de-prioritized during the pandemic.

We’re happy to announce that, as of today, the system is back up and running. Of course sharing news with our community is important to us. Rest assured that critical messages from the past few months were sent to all families via the school’s Intouch Notification System. The AHS News Update emails cover general information and celebratory items that are posted on the News page of the AHS website. If you know someone who would like to start receiving these messages, they can sign up at the bottom of that page.

We pay per-subscriber for our email list service, so if you wish to no longer receive the AHS News Update emails, instead of sending them to spam or archiving them, please use the unsubscribe link located at the bottom of this message.

Thank you for your patience. We’re excited to once again start delivering school and community news to your inbox… but only once per day, and only when new items have been posted :)

If you have website-appropriate news to share, use the contact form on the AHS website or send an email to


December Leadership Newsletter Now Available


Giving Tuesday DON Campaign Appeal