Girls’ Golf Team Wins TCAL Championship After Undefeated Season

By Mavi Hodoglugil and Oliver Rosenthal

The Albany High girls’ golf team finished their season with an undefeated 6 - 0 record and went on to win first place in the Tri-County Athletic League championships for the first time in the team’s history.

The Tri-County Athletic League, or TCAL, holds annual championships for high schools in the area. The finals this year took place on October 14th.

Having played and beaten all of the teams in their league during the regular season, the girls were hopeful going into the TCAL championships.

“When we went, we were hoping that it would still be the same and that we would be dominating the score,” senior Erin Montagh said.

This prediction proved to be true, and the team excitedly took home the championship banner that will soon be hanging in the gym.

The team had plenty of opportunities for celebration this season. Junior Minju O’Rourke, who started playing last year, explained the team’s post-win tradition of getting drinks together.

“Boba definitely motivates people to win - it’s a big one,” she said, laughing.


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