CAASPP/SBAC testing for Juniors

Dear Class of 2020, parents and community members,

This time of year, students all over the state are asked to participate in the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) or SBAC testing. These results provide Districts a key measure of how well students are mastering the California standards. While no single assessment can provide schools with all the feedback we need to tailor instruction to meet the needs of our students, CAASPP does provide us with an Academic Indicator that is used by Local Education Agencies, real estate agents, and by Department of Education funding sources.

The Every Students Succeed Act (ESSA) requires states to test at least 95 percent of all students and student groups in English Language Arts and mathematics. It also requires states to factor the participation rate into the Academic Indicator. As approved in California’s ESSA State Plan, beginning with the 2018 Dashboard, participation rates will be factored in reporting of the Academic Indicator

Who Is Held Responsible for Meeting the 95 Percent Participation Rate Goal? All Local Educational Agencies, schools (includes charter and alternative schools), and student groups are responsible for meeting the 95 percent participation rate goal. Any student group with at least 11 students will have a participation rate calculated.

What Happens when the 95 Percent Participation Rate Goal is Not Met? Failure to meet the 95 percent participation rate requirement will have a negative impact on an LEA’s and school’s Academic Indicator, which may impact their performance levels. Therefore, the CDE is encouraging all schools to test at least 95 percent of their students.

To our class of 2020, your school, District, community and I truly appreciate your efforts on the SBAC next week. Please see our website for the testing schedule that begins on Monday, May 20th. Thank you!!


Alexia Ritchie, Principal


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