PTSA Hosts Math@AHS Parent Circle This Wednesday
Please join us for our first Math@AHS Parent Circle. This Wednesday, 9/19 from 6:30-8:30p in Room 106.
About PTSA monthly Parent Circles:
AHS PTSA monthly parent circles provide a direct communication channel, a parent to a parent, and a parent to AHS staff leadership. We will meet once a month and share our experiences and thoughts about topics our AHS parents community cares most about. Our September parent circle is about Math@AHS. Please come, share, ask for advice, and hear about experiences of other families.
These monthly events are open to all the AHS families, you don't have to be a member to attend!
To see what's coming next please follow our Facebook page or join our meetup group
And please consider joining your PTSA community
With Love,
Your PTSA Board.