Albany Schools to Remain Open on Thursday, Oct. 12th

Dear AUSD Families,

Smoke from the North Bay fires continues to affect the air quality in the Bay Area. According to, the air quality index for the Albany/Berkeley area is deemed "unhealthy" and people are asked to exercise caution as follows: "People with heart or lung disease, older adults, and children should avoid prolonged or heavy exertion. Everyone else should reduce prolonged or heavy exertion."

I have asked all schools to continue to exercise caution as they plan activities. Staff are keeping doors and windows closed during instruction and are limiting/canceling outdoor activities, including physical education, games and practices, as needed. Albany schools will remain open tomorrow.

lease encourage your children to refrain from rigorous activities if they are experiencing symptoms related to poor air quality.

We are saddened by the devastation caused by the fire and will continue to have the families who are impacted in our thoughts.

Thank you.
Val Williams, Superintendent


AUSD Budget Priorities Town Hall This Saturday


Local Air Quality Message