Mask Up, Vax Up

Editorial and infographic by Natalia Toledo

While the holiday season has come to a close, the COVID surge has not. Cases are spiking, and due to omicron’s contagious design, the risk of contracting the virus has only increased. Like it or not, the world we live in now is our “new normal”. That is, a world where precautions must be adopted, and upheld, to protect the vulnerable. The coronavirus will not go away because we close our eyes and wish it to be. That’s just not how nature works.

There is a consensus among many experts that COVID-19 will come and go in seasons, just as we experience with the flu. That is why it is important that we learn how to manage it. So let’s emphasize the things that are working and debunk the myths around the obscurities. Say hello to the masks and the vaxes.

For the full editorial, see The Cougar on Medium.


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