What is ELAC?

English Learner Advisory Council - it is a meeting place that parents can use as a platform to express their concerns and ideas to both the school and the district, with the possibility of bringing about change.

How will it benefit the children?

They will feel the effects of their parents’ concerns, resulting in an impact on decisions at both the school level and the district level. They will see the change in their parents, as the parents are empowered by the trainings they will receive, and as they develop the ability to speak out for their families.

What are the programs ELAC offers?

ELAC offers workshops that cover broad areas, such as legal issues involved in working with EL students, trainings in reading and homework techniques that can immediately help their children, and trainings in dealing with different family problems.

Why should the parents attend?

This is their arena, where they get to express their concerns and successes and share with other parents the struggles and joys of raising their children. This is where they can put forth their thoughts and concerns about their children's education at the site and district level. Parents have more expertise about their children's education than they realize.

How does ELAC help the parents with the education of their children?

The workshops will bring marked improvement in their interactions with their child's education. Their presence at the school will let the child know that their parents know what's going on with their education.


The purpose of the ELAC is to provide parents of English Learners opportunities

  • Learn more about the programs offered to their children.

  • Participate in the schools’ needs assessment of students, parents and teachers.

  • Provide input to the principal and school staff of the most positive and effective strategies for teaching English Learners.

  • Provide input on the most effective ways to support full participation of English Learners in all school activities.

  • Provide input on the most effective ways to ensure regular school attendance.

  • Have representation at the district level by the attendance of elected officials at the

  • District English Language Advisory Council (DELAC) meetings.

The Council Membership

  • The percentage of parents of English Learners in the ELAC must be at least equal to the percentage of English Learners in the school.

  • Principal or Designee

  • Teachers of English Learners

  • Resource Teachers

  • Instructional Aides

  • Other parents


Each school with 21 or more English learners (also known as LEP students), regardless of language, must form a functioning English learner advisory committee or subcommittee.

Composition Requirements

On the committee, the percentage of parents of English learners is to be at least the same at the school. After formation and training of the ELAC, the ELAC may delegate its legal responsibilities to an existing school advisory committee or subcommittee.


Requirements for ELAC elections include:

  • Parents or guardians of English learners elect parent members of the school committee or subcommittee.

  • All parents shall be provided the opportunity to vote for committee members.

  • Each school committee shall have the opportunity to elect at least one parent member to the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC). Districts with 31 or more ELAC’s may use a system of proportional or regional representation.

Major Function

The purpose of the ELAC (or subcommittee, if appropriate) is to advise the principal and school staff on programs and services for English learners.

The committee advises (reviews and comments) on at least the following:

  • Appropriate training and materials to assist each member to carry out his or her required legal responsibilities.

  • Training which is planned in full consultation with ELAC members. EIA-LEP or district funds may be used to cover the cost of training and attendance of ELAC members (e.g., cost associated with child-care, translation services, meals and other reasonable expenses.)

  • Development of detailed master plan for English leaner education for the individual school and submits the plan to the district governing board for its possible consideration and inclusion in the district’s English learner education master plan.

  • Development of the school’s needs assessment.

  • Administration of the school’s annual language census.

  • Ways to make parents aware of the importance of regular school attendance.

Meeting Topics

The following must be agenda items mandated by the State regulations. Documentation of these items has to be evident in your minutes and/or agendas.

  • Master Plan for English Learners

  • Needs Assessment

  • Annual Language Census – R30

  • Discuss/explain Language Census Report

  • School Attendance

  • Suggested Topics

  • Parental Waiver Information

  • Parent Guide

  • Review Identification and Assessment of English Learners (EL)

  • Overview of Program Options for English Learners (EL)

  • Reclassification Procedures

  • CBET


  • School English Learners (EL) Program, as it exists at your site

  • Vision Statement for English Learners (EL)

  • Legal Responsibilities

  • School SIP Plan

  • Elect Next Year’s Officers

  • Parent Complaint Procedures

  • Consolidated Report

  • Other Appropriate Agenda Items

  • Guest Speakers

  • Training for Parents on “Having Effective Meetings”

  • Training for Parents on “How to Help Their Child Succeed in School”

  • Student Presentations

  • Presentation of Specific Programs At Your Site