The purpose and philosophy of these guidelines is to outline practices, policies, and procedures that will help provide for a safe, secure, and comfortable learning environment. Effective learning and teaching can only take place under such conditions. Albany High School is determined to provide the best educational atmosphere that it possibly can.

Behavior Guidelines


Dances are held in the multi-purpose room, gym, or outside facilities when needed.
If a student leaves a dance before it is over, he/she will not be re-admitted.
Admission to a dance is allowed for only one hour after the dance has started unless a late pass has been issued. Late passes are available in the attendance office during school hours.

The latest a dance may last is 11:00 p.m., with the exception of the Winter Ball and the Junior/Senior Prom. When the Principal permits guests at a dance, non-AHS students are signed up on a guest list during school hours prior to the dance. A non-AHS student will not be allowed to enter unless that person is a guest of a student, their name appears on the approved guest list, and the guest is in possession of a current valid photo I.D. A Guest Application formmust be completed in advance.

All students will be breathalyzed before entering all school dances. Any student who is under the influence or in possession of alcoholic beverages or drugs will be removed from the dance and turned over to the parents and the police. In addition, disciplinary action by Albany High School administration will result. The Dance Agreement form must be completed and signed by student and parent/guardian to purchase dance tickets.


Students are expected to attend assemblies that are scheduled during the school day, unless otherwise notified. All students should be punctual, be seated promptly, remain during the entire performance, and conduct themselves with class.

Field Trips

Field Study Trips are an important part of the education process. These trips are considered part of the instructional day. All students participating in a trip are expected to abide by the discipline code of the school. If it becomes necessary to send a student home, it will be at the parent's expense. No exceptions.

Senior Activities

During the 4th quarter, any student who participates in any behavior which violates the discipline grid rules (school rules-see below) may not be allowed to participate in senior activities, such as Prom, graduation, etc.

Discipline Policy

Please refer to the Discipline Grid for Albany High School. This grid lists student behaviors and the actions that will be taken by the administration for the behaviors. The scope and application of the disciplinary action is at the discretion of the Principal, Principal's designee, and/or Assistant Principals. Disciplinary actions range from notification of the parents for minor incidents, to expulsion from school for serious or repeated offenses.

Academic Honesty Guidelines Code

Agreement and Classroom Consequences: I agree to do my own work. I understand that learning sometimes involves group work and at these times I will contribute fully to this process. However, when an assignment is made which clearly seeks my individual effort, I promise to give credit to the original author of any written material that I copy and to turn in work that only I have prepared. While I may sometimes work with others to complete homework, I promise not to copy or loan my homework to others or to cheat on tests. I understand the consequences for violating this honor code will be as follows:

Cheating on Assignment or Exams

An F on the quiz, test or final exam. This grade will be permanent in that no bonus exam or extra credit or drop grade will be allowed to replace this grade. Teachers will confer with student and/or parent; formal referral may be made. See discipline grid.


Plagiarism on essays, term papers, lab reports or other written work where individual effort is being assessed, follows the same consequences as above.

Stolen Exams

Will be treated as a theft of school property. See discipline grid.

Smoking Policy

Students are not allowed to have or use any tobacco products on school property during school hours, at school events, or any time under the supervision of school employees. Disciplinary action may include suspension. (Board Policy5622)

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment of any person by any person will not be tolerated. Any student or employee who is found guilty of sexual harassment shall be subject to disciplinary actions. (Board policy 5611)

Dress Code

A modern dress code is currently in development for the 2021-22 school year. Please see this page for interim expectations.